Hexes | Hex spell | what is a hex spell | spell hex | hex jar spell. I provide a wide range of services to both individuals and couples. Being one person, being able to give my clients personalized quality service.

*Disclaimer: Please note that the spells we provide are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science. As such results may vary.

Hexes | Hex spell | what is a hex spell | spell hex | hex jar spell

A hex is a magic spell or charm that’s meant to cause harm. (https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/hex). Although it is relatively rare that someone is truly hexed, it does happen. Also, it is important to note that the mind has a very powerful effect on the body, so if you believe yourself to be hexed, in effect, you are.

1. A candle
Black candles are the most common for hexing because they’re typically used to banish negativity or to bounce it back onto somebody else, but you can swap black for white (which represents purity), pink (love and compassion) or green (healing) if you want to direct your energy into a more positive spell.

2. A photo of the person you’re hexing (optional)
For the 2016 mass hex, many participants used a photo of Turner and channelled their energy towards a variety of outcomes (impotence being one of the most popular). But as Vanderbeck explains, a hex can also be used for good, like sending healing vibes to survivors. “It felt way more like standing up for myself, and for other survivors, than it did hexing [Turner]” she says.

3. Black string (also optional)
“The black string and the photo is used for binding, essentially encasing a person in your spell,” explains Vanderbeck, adding that this is more important if your intention is to curse.

How to cast a hex:

1. Write down what you want to say
This can be whatever you want, as long as you make sure to focus your energy on your specific intentions and include the name of the person you’re hexing, if you know it. No, it doesn’t have to rhyme.

2. Pick a spot that’s quiet and free from distractions
As in, somewhere where your roommate won’t barge in. “It’s really more about feeling comfortable and like you can focus,” Vanderbeck says.

3. Carve the name of the person into your candle
Carve the name of the person you’re hexing—or, in the case of a healing group hex, you can be more general (i.e. “survivors of sexual assault”)—into the candle using something pointy. If you’re feeling advanced, you can create your own magical symbol or sigil.

4. Light the candle
“A lot of people think the candle is necessary, but I think that it just gives you something to focus on. The real power behind the spell is your intent and you really sending those vibes out there,” Vanderbeck says.

5. Wrap the string around a rolled-up photo of the person you’re hexing
That said, this isn’t necessary for a successful hex.

6. Recite your spell at least three times
Vanderbeck likens the hex to a candlelight vigil. “During the Brock Tuner event, some people said they were going to focus on healing the culture that lead to his actions or healing him so that he’ll be rehabilitated,” Vanderbeck says. “[A hex] is something you can do that makes you feel like you’re actively participating in healing the situation.”

To Break A Hex

If you feel that someone is putting negative energy on you or has cursed you, this will break it and return it to them.
You will need:
A sprig of Rosemary
A piece of yellow paper
A red pen
A red cloth
Paprika or red pepper
Red cotton or string
Best time to cast the spell:Midnight on a saturday night.

While casting the spell, you must carry the rosemary with you at all times.

Write the person’s name on the paper. If you are not sure who is sending the energy to you, simply write, “Enemy Mine”. Using the red pen, draw a figure of a doll around the name a cut it out.
Lay the paper doll face down on the red cloth and sprinkle it with paprika.
Tie the string around the middle of the doll, then wrap it in the red cloth. Hold it in your hands and say:

“Enemy Mine your power is gone.
The hex is broken,
The spell undone.
The eye has been turned away.
Enemy Mine you’ve gone away.
So shall it be from this day the spell is cast.
The spell will last until your apology sets you free by me.
This is my will, so mote it be.”

Perform this spell for seven consecutive nights at midnight. On the next Saturday night, unwrap the doll, tear it into nine peices and burn it.
Scatter the ashes far away from your home and throw the red cloth in the garbage.
You will see an improvement within a week.


Breaking the Powers of a Spell

If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black candle in the cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candles must be tall enough to extend a few inches above the cauldron’s rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that it will not tip over.

Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle’s wick. An inch or two should remain above the water. Deeply breathe, meditate, clear your mind and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell’s power as residing within the candle’s flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing within the candle’s flame. (Yes, the power against you) As the candle burns down, it’s flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water, the spell will be dispersed.

Break your visualization of the spell’s power; see it explode into dust, becoming impotent.

Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle. It is done.


Helpful Tips When You Are Visiting A Sangoma/Traditional Healer

* Do Not Have A Specific Agenda

It’s okay to want to know certain things as a result of your session with a sangoma; I will probably allow you to ask questions as well.

But if your sole intention for booking a session is to get “the” defining answer to a specific question, you’ll likely end up disappointed.

The reason being is that if the sangoma is authentic, the information they communicate doesn’t come from them, it comes through them.

This means that i have little control over what am being spiritually guided to convey. You’ll receive what you need, not what you want – which may be two very different things.

* Let Me Guide You

You’re paying a sangoma for their time; allow me to do my job and lead the discussion where it needs to go.

A good sangoma should do most of the talking and asking you to validate or confirm the impressions they receive.

You will likely frustrate a sangoma with your emotional overload by going off on tangents or venting your life story.

And you’ll be giving a fraudulent sangoma way too much information that can be manipulated to their advantage.

When in doubt, politely ask me if you may elaborate to underscore a point.

* Listen To Credible Details

A sangoma will be able to spontaneously provide you with information to affirm that they are indeed connecting with you properly.

Don’t expect to hear the exact “code” word you had with your deceased wife or the secret signal you had with your boyfriend.

In fact, just the opposite may be true. Also, be open to what is being communicated. Often people will develop “amnesia,” by which they become oblivious to the obvious for not having total recall in the moment.

Grant that you might require process time beyond your session for recollections to surface in your memory bank.

* Are You Booked With a Sangoma Or Healer?

All sangomas are healers but not every healer is a sangoma.

A sangoma is someone who can willfully connect with one or more of your loved ones who have passed on; a sangoma is someone who specializes in communicating intuitive information about your life, relationships and your future.

Find out in advance if the person with whom you are booked is a sangoma, a healer, or both.

It will aid you in tempering your expectations. As before, go in open-minded. This tends to be the way things work spiritually.

* Terminate Any session That Does not Feel Right

No reputable sangoma will ever predict your death, foretell a tragedy etc.

A reputable sangoma will also not keep increasing their fee with each visit, or expect that you buy ancillary merchandise from them on a regular basis. Run, don’t walk, from anyone who conducts business with you in a manner that does not feel authentic.

An inauthentic sangoma will bluff their way through for being focused on making a buck.

These principles are a good place to begin when considering a booking with a sangoma.

Don’t hesitate to ask for references or to research a sangoma online.

I have received many clients as referrals from others who were satisfied customers.

A good sangoma’s work will speak for itself.


Together we will journey into your current, past, and future issues to find the answers you are looking for. I have helped many people from many countries.

I have been blessed with unique abilities that allow me to help others on their own path therefore you are on the rigth path once you pick that phone and call or text me.

If you have been to anyone without positive results, don’t be afraid to contact me for this change you so much deserve in your life. I never fail to deliver to trusted clients who have been in touch with me. I give 100% satisfaction to all my services.

I’m here to provide you with an ultimate answer to that problem you need to get away from your life.


Terms of Use

You must accept and agree to Spiritualist Angel Psychic Channel Guide Healer Mudda Terms of Use before using this website services.


Am not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damages caused or arising when using my herbs or this site.

I does not pass clients details to any third party whatsoever.

When ordering a spell from me, you are agreeing that any information, direction, support, guidance, And advice provided does not at all constitute or substitute for legal, psychological, financial, medical, or business advice.

100% accuracy is not guaranteed due to circumstances during the process offered.

About The Author

Sangoma Mudda Mudda is a traditional healer, known in South Africa as a sangoma. The 45 year old is rayed has one of the best Sangoma/traditional healer and herbalist - he halils from a long lineage of powerful traditional healers whose knowledge of ancestral healing has been passed on from generation to generation.So you’re struggling in life and can’t figure out what to do. Are you short on money? Do you need help with your love life? Are you lonely? Regardless of what your answers are to these questions, there is something that can enhance every area of your life.

Learn to live in tandem with the divine energy of the lunar cycle and let the moon guide your journey to self-discovery one phase at a time!.